Veteran Solutions
Benefits Hotline: 888-8NJ-VETS (888-865-8387)
Vet2Vet Helpline: 866-838-7654
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Additional New Jersey Resources |
PTSD & Readjustment Counseling This psychiatric disorder can occur following military combat, violent assaults, natural disasters, terrorist incidents or any other life-threatening event. The New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA) provides veterans with a Readjustment Counseling Program. New Jersey veterans and their families are currently provided services ranging from individual counseling, group counseling, biofeedback to medication monitoring. The clinicians provide exceptional services to veterans and their families and address the problems encountered when reintegrating into civilian life. It is important to recognize the stressors and traumas of these combat veterans, raise awareness of civilians back home, and meet the clinical needs of our veterans. For more information, contact a local DMAVA Veterans Service Officer or call 888-8NJ-VETS (888-865-8387).
War Orphans Tuition Assistance Children of those service personnel who died while in the military or due to service-connected disabilities, or who are officially listed as missing in action by the U.S. Dept. of Defense may claim $500 per year for four years of college or equivalent training. To qualify, the child must be a resident of New Jersey for at least one year immediately preceding the filing of the application and be between the ages of 16 and 21 at the time of application. The veteran must have been a state resident. For more information, contact the Veterans Benefits Bureau at 609-530-6949 or
Veterans Tuition Credit Program Veterans attending any approved educational institution may apply for the Veterans Tuition Credit Program. Under the program, partial reimbursement is provided to the institution to offset the cost of the veteran's tuition. Maximum reimbursement is $400 per year for full-time students, $200 for part-time students. To qualify, the veteran must have been on active duty between Dec. 31, 1960, and May 7, 1975, and have been a legal resident of NJ at the time of entrance into or discharge from the service, or two years immediately prior to application. For more information, contact the Veterans Benefits Bureau at 609-530-6949 or Download the Application for Veterans Tuition Credit. |
Transportation Program This program assists the veteran in need of transportation. The program originated due to the distance many NJ Veterans had to travel to get to a VA facility for medical care. Free transportation is offered to VA medical centers, clinics, pharmacies, private physicians, regional veterans services offices or job service offices, and other community services in most counties. The DMAVA Veterans Service Officer in the county should be contacted to explain the details of the program, level of service in that county, qualifications and requirements, and assist in scheduling the transportation.
Free undergraduate college tuition is available to any child born or adopted before or during the period of time his or her parent was officially declared a prisoner of war (POW) or person missing in action (MIA) after Jan. 1, 1960. The POW-MIA must have been a New Jersey resident at the time he or she entered the service or whose official residence is in NJ. The child must attend either a public or private institution in NJ. A copy of DD 1300 must be furnished with the application. For more information, contact the Veterans Benefits Bureau at 609-530-6949 or
Catastrophic Entitlement Eligible Veterans/surviving spouses receive a monthly entitlement of $150. Criteria: A Veteran must be a New Jersey resident in receipt of a permanent service-connected disability rating from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that resulted from wartime service resulting in one of the following catastrophic disabilities: loss of sight; amputation of both hands, both feet or one hand and one foot; hemiplegia and permanent paralysis of one leg and one arm on either side of the body; paraplegia and permanent paralysis of both legs and lower parts of the body; osteochondritis and permanent loss of use of both legs; multiple sclerosis and the loss of use of both feet or both legs; quadriplegia. For more information contact the Veterans Benefits Bureau at 888-865-8387 or Download the Catastrophic Entitlement Application. |